Seeeee yaaaaa
I am off to enjoy my weekend float trip! Hope it's fun and we don't tip our canoe!See ya Monday!
Babblings of a twenty-somthing single momma trying to survive life, work, and child rearing, and along the way....found true love!!
I am off to enjoy my weekend float trip! Hope it's fun and we don't tip our canoe!See ya Monday!
After telling her what C wanted me to make:
Ok, so one of my best friends C, can not cook to save her life. Seriously, this girl can barely make box mac and cheese. So anyway she is always asking me, the chef, to make stuff for her for pot lucks, parties, etc. at work. Well I get a call this morning with the best request yet......a cake shaped like a PENIS!! Yes, you read that right a penis. She is going to a sex toy party being throw by a co-worker and they want a penis cake. So I said I would attempt this. I thought I could bake a regular cake and cut it into the shape of said member and then two round cakes for the uh, boys...So we will see how this experiment turns out. I will be sure to take pictures, good or bad outcome....for you all to see. If anyone has any ideas, please post them!
This was a conversation between my 6 year old son and his friend on a recent trip to Target, where they were both told NO a millions times when asking for this Spongebob/YuGiOh/Spiderman shirt.......
So as you can see there was not a lot to do when it was well over 100 degrees outside this past weekend. Even the pool water was 90 degrees. A very boring yet relaxing weekend. Now this weekend coming up is the float trip! Oh boy! This is exciting for many reasons, but 1. it's my first time on a float trip, and 2. it's my first vacation/weekend alone without my son since he was born, he is 6 years old. So it's going to be so so much fun! I can't wait!!
Nothing is really going on lately, so instead of a post try this sure to let me know what your name is.....
Your Sexy Brazilian Name Is |
![]() Malu Lopes |
So today I am paying for my fun night out Saturday. Never do my nights catch up with me the next day, Sunday, the day I don't have to work. No, they wait a day and hit me Monday. The day I do have to work. I had a fabulous time out this weekend. We had a bunch of friends together, including a couple we haven't been out with in a long while. Needless to say, we had a great time which included lots of shots, and lasted until the wee hours of the morning.....I got to my house at 5:30, the sun was coming up. So C calls at 11:45 to wake me up for bingo. I am quite amazed when I get up that I only have a slight headache and feel pretty good for 4.5 hours of sleep. So I get up and go to bingo and start getting a little sleepy. I leave there and go to Nina's for a b-day party, by now I'm dead tired. I had to finish laundry ok, start and finish since I had been putting it off for a while, and didn't get to bed til 11pm. I slept so hard, and the alarm went off too soon this morning. I could feel my eyes trying to shut on the drive in to work this morning. I have had a large iced latte which usually peps me right up, and it didn't even work today. So is the price we pay for partying like we are still 21 and have no responsiblities......but it was so worth it!
You Know You're From St. Louis When... |
You love toasted ravioli with Budweiser beer. "Vacation" is a choice between Silver Dollar City and Lake of the Ozarks. You can find Pestalozzi Street by aroma alone. You can get anywhere in 20 minutes, except on highway 40. You can debate for 30 minutes whether Missouri Baking or Marge Amighetti makes the best Italian bread. You know what "Party Cove" is, and where the "lake" is. You still can't believe the Arena is gone. Your first question to a new person is, "Where did you go to High School?" Your non-St. Louisan friends always ask if you're aware there is no "r" in "wash." You know at least one person who's gotten hurt at Johnson Shut-ins. You know in your heart that Mizzou can beat Nebraska in football. You think the four major food groups are Beef, Pork, Budweiser and Imo's. You know there are really only three salad dressings: Imo's, Zia's and Rich and Charlie's. You'll pay for your kid to go to college unless they want to go to KU. You would rather have a root canal without anesthetic than drive on Manchester on a Saturday afternoon. It just doesn't seem like a wedding without mostaciolli. AND YOU PRONOUNCE IT 'MUSKACHOLLI'. The balance of the menu is ham, boiled roast beef, string beans with ham and of course pitchers of Busch Bavarian (class weddings have Bud) You know, within a three-mile radius, where another St. Louisan grew up as soon as they open their mouth. You know what a Pork Steak is...and what kind of sauce to put on it! Everyone in your family has floated the Meramec River at least once. A hoosier is someone that lives just south of Chouteau, not a person from Indiana. You have made fun of Mike Shanahan and tried to imitate him ordering another cold, frosty Busch Bavarian Beer. You have listened to Mike's broadcast on KMOX, while watching the game on TV and wonder what game he is watching. A tear forms in your eye as someone mentions their favorite Jack Buck story. You've said, "It's not the heat, it's the humidity." Your favorite summer treat is handed to you upside-down You bleed Blue between September and May You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from St. Louis. |
I was bummed this morning because of a work meeting which meant I had to leave extra early and battle extra traffic to get to our main office in downtown St. Louis. So the day wasn't off to the best start. Although I didn't oversleep, which should have been a good start since I have been doing that a lot lately. Anyway, I get to the meeting, ON time (which happens very seldom with me) and they had bagels with was great because the Diet Mt. Dew I had just wasn't getting it, I was starving. Not to mention my favorite one was still left! So things were going good. Then I sit down and they give me a check and tell me my overtime wasn't included in my regular check yesterday so here it is....I didn't even think I had overtime last pay period, but I'm not one to turn away money so I was like AWESOME! Then we break up into focus groups to discuss a possible name change for our agency and they are giving away two $25 gift certificates to Target. And yep you guessed it, I won!!!! I waiting for the hidden camera people to come out anytime! This has to be too good to be true for my usual luck! Until then I'm lovin' it!
I think my vacation away from here really did me alot of good. I have been back here for 3 days now and I feel pretty good. I'm not sulking all day long and longing to go home. So, has anyone been watching "The 70's House" on MTV? I like it. Dawn the host is a fruit cake but she makes it funny. It's a reality show, yeah, I know like we haven't had enough of those, but I actually like this one. I am going on my first float trip at the end of the month. I got the info and I'm going here. I can't wait. I think it will be a fun and relaxing time.
That going to a bar celebrating it's aniversary with $2 pitchers of draft beer and doing Jager-Bomb shots which is the Jager mixed with Red Bull equals getting really drunk really fast yet feeling so energetic! It was the weirdest feeling, but great since I usually get really sleepy after I get a little tipsy. And they don't even taste bad. I HATE the taste of Jager but the Red Bulls seems to mask the taste. I have found my new favorite alcolholic beverage!
On my vacation and I totally forgot to further embarrass Gigi and tell all my internet friends too! Gigi is a quite busty gal to say the least and as well all do has a few extra pounds hanging around.....anyway, we were out relaxing on the beach, Me and L were up on the sand working on our tans (ok drinking a beer but still in the sun!) and we see Gigi and C out in the water and Gigi is in the middle of this tube float. The thing is she is got her arms in the air and is leaning side to side trying to get her arms wet. Seems while she was wet she slid right in, but as she floated around and dried, she got stuck! This was the funniest thing I have seen in a long time, and I wish I was better at painting this picture with words! C is tugging up on the tube while Gigi is trying to pull herself out the bottom! Then to be oh so incognito C decides to put her long raft up to block this whole episode from the other people on the beach. I was laughing so hard I couldn't even stand up to try and help if I wanted to......after about 5 minutes they got her free and she quickly flipped me and L the bird for laying on the sand laughing instead of helping. Oh, good times.
Well I am back at work after my vacation, on a Friday none the less! What kind of crap is that? Like couldn't have floated me 7.5 more hours til the end of the month so that I could enjoy the rest of my vacation and return on Monday like normal people.....but I'm back and I enjoyed the time off so I will stop complaining. We went camping over the weekend, it was fun. We shot off fireworks, did alot of swimming, and just relaxed. Monday I spent the day with some friends, went and watched the fireworks show in the town they live and it was really neat. We were so close and the fireworks looked awesome! I think this is the first July 4th I did not watch the St. Louis fireworks show. I did catch part of it on the news and they were good as usually. I just sat around being lazy for a few days, and yesterday me and my friend C, and our two boys went to Six Flags. That was fun! We spent most of the day playing in the water at Hurricane Harbor. We did go down one of the tallest speed slides they had there. After climing up a million and one steps to get to the top we realized we were above the trees! Waiting in line we had time to think about how high up we were and started to get a little scared, but that was alot of steps to walk up and I definately wasn't walking back down. So C went first and then I went. It was so fun until the end when you land in the water at the bottom and you hit the water with such force that it drives your swimsuit so far up your ass that it takes about 5 mins to dig out, yeah I walked away telling C that I think I had water on my ovaries! That was not a good feeling. We floated around the lazy river, and the wave pool. We rode a few rides and went home. We all had a good time. I spent 85% of my vacation in the water, I'm actually getting a tan! I have passed the burning phase and now and actually tanning. It's great. Well that is my vacation update......see ya!