Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Camping trip....

So this weekend Terel and I are meeting up with my parents, sister, brother in law and whoever else decides to go, at the lake! I am actually looking foward to this trip. My son is already down there. He has been with my parents since yesterday. So I am child free this week, going to the lake this weekend and I'm on vacation next week! Life is sweet right now! My parents just bought a boat, my son told me on the phone today that him and his Uncle Wayne are going to ski..this I gotta see. I can't wait to spend all day at the beach and on the boat. We always have a good time, and for the 4th of July they have a firework's show there, it's pretty neat. My Aunt and Uncle, cousin, and Grandma all live there so I will be visiting family also. And Nina Pop will also be there although on the other side of the lake, we will still have to hang out! I'm am having such a good week!!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Monday Moaning....

Mondays sucks. But at least after this week I will be on vacation for a whole week!!! It will be my first "whole" week off in like 3 years. And I am so looking forward to it. I won't be doing much but me and Ant will be lounging around the pool alot. I can see that now. Other than that I will be trying to get my apartment back in order. It's hard keeping things from getting cluttered for me. Especially when I'm always busy, either working, cleaning, laundry, or some other crazy motherly duty. Meanwhile my son is busy destroying everything I have tried to clean up. Kids, boy they are a handful!

I watched one of my favorite movies yesterday....HOW HIGH, that movie is so funny! We also watched a stand up with Bruce Bruce. He's a funny ass MF'er too. Well that is all for today....ta ta!

Friday, June 23, 2006


I can drive just like this.....

Hip Thrust

Pimp My MySpace
Pimped My MySpace

Dumb Street
Get Stupid

Ok, I'm totally addicted to that site. They have got some funny shit! Have a good weekend cuz......

Pimp My MySpace

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Ha ha!!

This picture cracke me up!!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

So I have also started a My Space page. That place is great. I found like 5 of my cousins are on there, and lots of people I went to school with, it's pretty neat to talk to them!!

Also I gave Terel my My Space address but wouldn't give him my blog address. Then realized I posted my blog address on the My Space page! Duh Crystal!! So Terel, baby, I love you!! Hope you don't find something really crazy on here that I forgot about writing!

Ok, bye for now!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Helluva Day

Mondays, man I hate Mondays. I feel like crap today. I don't know why but I have woke up with a headache everyday for the past 3 days! I feel so sleepy even though I got enough sleep. My weekend was boring as hell, so that is probably why I don't feel all ready to be back at work! I did as close to absolutely nothing as possible. I took Ant to the carnival for a few hours. What a freaking rip off! Tickets were 20 for $15 but each ride cost between 2 and 4 tickets each! Then the games, for the cheap ass prizes, yeah he had to play those too. Don't get me wrong I love to see him happy, and that made him happy.....I just hate being so strapped for money that blowing $30 at a carnival seriously sets me back til the next payday. Being broke sucks!!

In other news I have had marriage on the brain for the past few days. I think it started after I began reading "Something Borrowed". She talks about being 27 (my age) and rethinking her plan to be married at 30 (which was also my plan). I always thought I would be married by 30. but then again 30 always seemed so far away. Now, I could throw a rock and hit it. I'm not looking forward to turning 30, I have a feeling I will still be single. While things with Terel and I are good. I'm not sure how long it's going to be before he is ready for marriage. He is only 23, so he has time. I, on the other hand, feel time is running out. I don't know why, I do. Plus Terel doesn't have kids yet but he does want them, and I keep thinking.....will I want another baby when my son is 10 years old?.......I think I want another child, I think I want one now.....but sometimes I'm not so sure. One think I do want is a WEDDING!!!! I have been picturing it, and plannign it in my head. Thinking of who would be his groomsmen, how many would he have so I know how many bridesmaids I can have....if we get married in a church. My other idea is to go off and get married on the beach somewhere, by ourselves, and just have a huge reception when we get back. That may piss some people off though. Who knows. I'm planning something that isn't even anymore than an idea in my head right now. It's still fun to dream!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

I love him!!

Well me and Terel are doing better. He has been back to his old sweet self and I'm loving it. Last night we had a little tiff but things smoothed out and we even exchanged "I love yous" for the first time last night! I really am head over heels for this man. I just hope things stay going the way they are....but you have to take chances so if it doesn' was worth it. I recently checked out this book, Best Loved Poems of the American People, Terel and I have been reading it. This morning as I was leaving for work he said "read page 45 when you get time".... So I took the book to work with me and here is the poem on page 45......

I want you

I want you when the shades of eve are falling
And purpling shadows drift across the land;
When sleepy birds to loving mates are calling-
I want the soothing softness of your hand.

I want you when the stars shine up above me,
And Heaven's flooded with the bright moonlight;
I want you with your arms and lips to love me
Throughout the wonder watches of the night.

I want you when in dreams I still remember
The ling'ring of your kiss-for old times' sake-
With all your gentle ways, so sweetly tender,
I want you in the mornign when I wake.

I want you when the day is at its noontime,
Sun-steeped and quiet, or drenched with sheets of rain;
I want you when the roses bloom in June-time;
I want you when the violets come again.

I want you when my soul is thrilled with passion;
I want you when I'm wary and depressed;
I want you when in lazy, slubrous fashion
My senses need the haven of your breast.

I want you when through field and wood I'm roaming;
I want you when I'm standing on the shore;
I want you when the summer birds are homing-
and when they've flown-I want you more and more.

I want you, dear, through every changing season;
I want you with a tear or with a smile;
I want you more than any rhyme or reason-
I want you, want you, want you-all the while.

--Arthur L. Gillom

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Didn't go as planned....

So I moved the DVD player into my son's room. He came in and had a fit!! He cried for about an hour, finally gave up and went and laid down in his bed. After another hour I walked in to find him sleeping peacefully in his bed. A few hours later I wake up to him crawling into my bed because he "had a bad dream". Which is the excuse he uses often, even when I know he hasn't even fallen asleep yet. So I gave up, he slept the rest of the night in my bed. So it half worked, guess we will keep on trying!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

It's been a while....

I haven't really had anything interesting to post about. Still don't but decided to ramble anyway. Nothing too exciting this past weekend, attended 2 birthday parties, one for a 1 year old and one for a 2 year old. Both cute as can be! Other than that I sat around being lazy. My house is a mess, I really need to clean it. I have started several times since Friday but I get one room done, usually the kitchen, and in a few hours it's messy again. Same way with the living room. my son can make a room look like it's been hit by a tornado in 2 seconds flat I swear! It's driving me crazy. He refuses to sleep in his bed, I have no idea why, he says he doesn't like it. Anyway so he sleeps on the couch and the living room always has his pillows and blankets in it. Plus all his toys. I am about to put a stop to it. I am even willing to put the DVD player in his room so he can sit in there and watch a movie and play with his toys instead of dragging his toys into the living room. We will be discussing this soon. Although at first I was just gald he wasn't sleeping in my bed anymore, the couch was fine, now it's driving me insane.

Another thing on my nerve today is the fact that I have to go work in our downtown office later today. Now normally this wouldn't bother me, I don't mind driving from one location to another and I don't mind working at the other location. The drive normally takes 15 minutes, but if anyone is living in the St. Louis area, you know they are doing road work on almost all the bridges going from IL to MO. And I know traffic is going to be SO FREAKIN' backed up when I drive over there. I am not a traffic person, I can feel teh road rage already. I have been in a crappy mood the last two days, I have no idea why, I just feel mad! Everything at work has been bothering me, the phone ringing, people asking me to do something....not good when you are the secretary!!

Well that's about all the complaining I have to do right now....