Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Weekend Update

Well, first of all, we did NOT make it to the deal or no deal casting!! People started lining up at 5am the day BEFORE!! I was not trying to fight all them people. They said 6000 people showed up! So, there goes my chance at a million dollars! :-)

Friday I went with my son's 1st grade class to the zoo! It was about a million degrees outside, it was HOT! The kids in my group were good, and we had a good time.

Saturday night Chrissy, Gloria, and I went out for Chrissy's birthday. It was pretty fun. We stayed out til 6am! Lack of sleep was the only bad part about the next day! I spent the day at the pool with my son. So it was a nice relaxing day. Monday was pretty boring, just did laundry.

Now I'm back at work after 4 days off, and I'm really not feeling like being back! But then again I never want to be back. I'm taking off Friday so only 2 more days to go! Whewwwww Whooooooo!!!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Words to live by.....

I received this in an email earlier....man I have got to start sticking to these rules! I know I have not listened to a few of these over the years, that is probably why I'm still not happily married. Although I am pretty happily single, so I'm doing ok!

If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away.
If he doesn’t want you, nothing can make him stay.
Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.
Stop trying to change yourselves for a relationship that’s not meant to be.
Slower is better. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy.
If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can’t be “friends”.
A friend wouldn’t mistreat a friend.
Don’t settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is.
Don’t stay because you think “it will get better”. You’ll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things
are not better.
The only person you can control in a relationship is you.
Avoid men who’ve got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women.
He didn’t marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently?
Always have your own set of friends separate from his.
Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up.
Never let a man know everything, he will use it against you later.
You cannot change a man’s behavior, change comes from within.
Don’t EVER make him feel he is more important than you are even if he has more education or a better job.
Do not make him into a quasi-god, he is a man, nothing more nothing less.
Never let a man define who you are.
Never borrow someone else’s man, if he cheated with you, he’ll cheat on you.
A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you.
All men are NOT dogs.
You should not be the one doing all the bending... .compromise is a two-way street.
You need time to heal between relationships... .there is nothing cute about baggage... .deal with your issues
before pursuing a new relationship.
You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...a relationship consists of two WHOLE
individuals.. .look for someone complimentary, not supplementary.
Dating is fun....even if he doesn’t turn out to be Mr. Right.
Make him miss you sometimes.. .when a man always knows where you are, and your always readily available to him, he takes it for granted.
Never move into his mother’s house.
Never co-sign for a man.
Don’t fully commit to a man who doesn’t give you everything that you need, keep him in your radar but get to know others!!

I'm thinking we all need to be more picky. I have found that I am always WAY too nice to men, and I don't always get the same respect back. I have let myself be taken for granted. Things they are a' changin'! I heard somewhere recently that woman should demand more from their relationships, seeing as "we have half of the money and ALL of the pussy"!! Which makes since, we should have the upper hand when it comes to relationships. Somewhere along the line we lost it. I think because more and more woman are giving it up easier! We need to start making the man "work" to get some booty! I know, I'm guilty of this too. Cuz ya know us woman get "hot in the pants" too, and we want some lovin'! I think we should all get together on this, stop giving it up and demand more respect in our relationships. What happen to the romantic gestures, all of that seems to be gone. We need more ass kissing basically, then maybe, just maybe we give up the booty! This plan may work, I have a feeling the sex toy industry may just get a boost in sales while we are "on strike"....

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Ok, so since Terel finally admitted that he wasn't ready for a "real" relationship, and he wasn't ready to give up the streets yet, and he didn't want to keep hurting me by lying, and we broke up, we actually have been getting along great. At first I said I didn't want to be his friend, then I got over the being sad part and was like whatever, I can be your friend. So get this, we have actually talked on the phone MORE since we broke up than we did when we were together. I'm not sure why but maybe it's because we aren't fighting for one, and two, I don't have to watch what I say, because he can't get mad. So if I say, I'm going back to the strip club this Saturday, or talk about this guy trying to get my number, he can't say anything. Although little jealous remarks slip from him once in a while, and of course the only reason I mention the guys is to get that jealous responce, you know how it is, ego booster, when you know they still want you. The I did the little "you miss me, you wanna kiss me..." line from Miss Congeniality....anyway, it's weird how things work. He also admitted that he thought about one of the things I said when he was sitting outside at 2:30 in the morning smoking a blunt with his "boys"....He admitted he actually thought "this is really what I would rather be doing instead of cuddling up with my woman"... I also told him today I hope he plans on going gay, cuz he's gonna want some booty sometime soon, and if he comes to me, I'm gonna be like "sorry, you chose you boys over your woman, so maybe one of them will give you some"! I'm sure that will go over well. Men are just retarded. One of 3 things will happen with this situation. 1, he will realize soon he lost a damn good woman and make an effort to win me back, 2, he will find him a little hoe in the street to get booty from but still not have to make any kind of committment, or 3, he will wait too long realize what he had, try to get me back and it will be too late because by then I will have found my super rich husband I have been looking for and he'll be ass out! I'm shooting for #3, but #2 is the most likely...go figure.

In other news, one of my bestest friends, Laurie, celebrated her birthday yesterday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURIE!!!
And Chrissy will be celebrating her birthday on Friday, so
I am also proud to announce that this is the first year I did not mix up their birthdays!! Having 2 close friends with birthdays days apart has fucked me up for years!!!

Now on to the most important announcement I have today:


Oh, I have wanted to go on this show since it started! I printed the application twice but could never find someone with a VHS video recorder to make the video. BUT now is my chance!! It's from 10am - 1pm so I figure if I get there about 7 or 8 am I should be ok. Right? Maybe I should go earlier. I'm not sure how they pick but it's probably something like an interview, they ask a few questions, see how entertaining you would be on the show and then go from there. So I have got to go and act like a total fruit cake! I'm a little out there as it is so I should be able to make them remember me! Oh, if I had the chance to go one there.....man, I am sure EVERYONE says this, but I would not get greedy! If my offer got over $100,000 I would say deal, quick as hell!!!! Man, I am preying for a chance at that money!!!! It would change my life! I already have the master plan....

So that is all for now, talk at ya'll later!

Monday, May 22, 2006

A bunch of freaks!

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So this was a crazy weekend. First Saturday, me and Chrissy decide to go out about midnight. So we go to Pop's cuz ya know, it's close and it never closes and something exciting always happens there. Well except this night. There was no one there. I have really never seen the place so empty, even at 6am! So we decide, lets go to the strip club! It's swinger's night so men and women can go. So we head over to the strip club. Chrissy has been to a strip club in the past, I have not. Neither of us had ever been there so boy were we in for a surprise. First I was expecting a few stages and some tables, not for the tables to BE the stages. It was crazy, there were 4 big round tables, all with girls dancing on them and the people sitting around them. Oh and they had the ONE male dancer table, and most of them weren't even worth looking at. But, the thing is I know understand why woman get so mad when their men go to these places, that whole "you can't touch the dancers" thing I heard, yeah not true! These girls were all over the guys and girls! They can tough them and they get freaky! I was in awe the whole time. It was crazy. But we did have a good time, and we are going back this weekend for Chrissy's birthday! Yeah, we are a bunch of freaks!!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

It's almost Friday!!!

So nothing much new going on, I wasn't able to get on here for a few days, I don't know what was going on with that. Oh, well I'm back now. I got a few pictures in an email today I want to share with you my fine readers, I have seen the first one before but it's amazing....

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And this one was just cute as hell....

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So this has been a dull week. I started tanning today. Everyone of my friends has started doing it, so ya know I had to also. I was tired of seeing them getting all darker and darker and I'm sitting here looking like casper. I have to hang out at the lake with them bitches all summer I'm not going to be the only pale one. So anyway. I did that today. My shows are on tonight!! I can't believe it's the last Will & Grace and I have to work until 8pm and it starts at 7pm! Son of a Bitch!!! What a week to have to train a new employee huh?! Gigi is supossed to record it for me and if she doesn't, lets just say it won't be pretty! At least I don't have to worry about missing any of the ER finale!! That is my favoritist show!!! This has been a great finale week, Grey's was excellent as well!!

Ok, talk at cha later!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Are you freaking serious?!?!

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I have had the day from hell! Really. First you know all the shit this morning. Then I was getting off work, it's raining like hell outside, and guess what my damn windshield wipers WILL NOT WORK!!! So I can't drive home. Luckily, Nina works close by and said she would stop and get me and take me home. That's good. But then comes the task of finding someone to take me to work tomorrow......great time for my parents to be out of town!

It's over.....

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I finally got the balls to just say "I'm done". T and I are through. And after all the times he has pissed me off over the last few weeks, you would think I would feel relieved, but I don't. I'm sad. I really fell for the dickhead. I believe all his sweet talk and "future" plans talk! I know I'm an idiot, but I really thought he might be the one, and I would finally get married and be done with the dating bullshit. But instead I have come to the realization that the "one" doesn't exsist. Not for me at least and I should just except the reality that it will be just me and Ant for the rest of our lives. No "dad" for him, no husband for me. Then he will go off to college and start his own life and it will just be me. I am really just so down today. It just seems "karma" is not working right. I am a good person. I do anything I can for anyone, I treat people nice, respect others, and I always get shit on! I just can not understand what I am doing wrong. Now I'm sitting here at work, crying at my damn desk like a fucking idiot!! The more I try and stop, the more it just seems to come. And I'm not a crying type of person. I have to be really hurt to cry, and since I've known T, he has made me cry TWICE. That should have been a sign. Men, don't usually make me cry. The last time I remember crying before this is during an argument with my sister.....and that's cuz I love her! I have broken my own rule of I will not cry about a man! I need to get the fuck out of this "I need love" shit I have been on lately. I need to get back to my old ways and start sleeping around again! (Kidding!!) (Well sortof) :-) I don't need love, hell I don't even need dick , I gotta toy that works just fine!!! So today I start my "I FUCKING HATE MEN" campaign (again), anyone who feels the same, feel free to join! Membership is free!

Please excuse the excessive use of the work "fuck". I was a little mad today. Thanks Bye Bye!!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Weekend Happenings

Friday night was pretty fun. We had a group of about 10 people and we went to the Funny Bone to see these ladies. They were hillarious! We had a great time.

Saturday was pretty dull. I babysat Mya, me and Chrissy played Scrabble and watched part of "Fun with Dick and Jane". The DVD kept messing up s0 we didn't get to finish the movie.

Sunday me and Gigi went to bingo. Neither of us won anything so it was a waste of time and money. Damn it. I just knew I was gonna win big and buy myself a washer! Oh well. After that we went and bought a BBQ pit and BBQ'd hamburgers.

Nothing too exciting huh?

Friday, May 05, 2006

Yard Sale Find!

I met Nina at Taco Bell for lunch, and we notice a yard sale across the street. After we ate we decided to walk over and see what kind of stuff they were selling....as soon as we walked up I said, "oh, lord"....Nina was like what.....I said look at the table and tell me what doesn't look like it belongs with normal yard sale items.........ya know what it was.....

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Yep a box of KY Jelly. We both just started laughing. The box was sort of opened, we didn't even dare see if the tube inside was open.....gross! Really what were they thinking?! Who puts KY in a yard sale?

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Just as I thought

T ended up calling about 9:30 last night from work to ask what time a show we are supossed to go to starts Friday so he can ask to get off early....just like nothing was wrong. Then says "you sound mad". Ya think?! He came over after work so we could talk and I told him how when he just blows me off to hang with his friends it makes me feel like he doesn't give a rat's ass about me or my feelings. As usual he apologized over and over and says "he just doesn't think sometimes". That he will be planning on doing one thing and then he friends come by and want to hang out and he just loses track of time. WHATEVER! He tries to play the "young card" with all this is still new to me. He is 23 not 18! So this is the last time I am going to explain how I feel to him. If he fucks up again, thats it, he won't be able to use the "I didn't realize you felt that way" shit cuz I have told him more than once now. I guess we shall see how this weekend goes......this will be the test!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Sugar to Shit....

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That is about what the relationship between me and T has gone to, shit! He was oh so perfect and now, he is getting on my nerves. He has been out "kickin it" for the last 5 days now. I didn't hear from him Friday night, he was out drinking, Saturday night, out drinking, Sunday he came and spent the day with me, apologized as usual, then Monday after he got off work, I didn't hear from him. Tuesday morning I talk to him, he stayed out til 4:30 am "kickin' it" with his boys! Then he proceeds to tell me he is just trying to get it out of his system. Ok. Whatever. He goes to work and says I'm coming here (my place) after work, I will see you about 11pm. Ok, do you think I saw him? NOPE! Oh, well he must have called and said why he wasn't coming right? NOPE! As a matter of fact it is now 11:50 am and I still have not heard from him. I didn't plan on answering the phone if he called anyway, but still I want him to at least try and talk to me! If and when I do finally talk to him, I'm telling him that I don't think this relationship is very important to him. Sorry doesn't really mean too much when you keep doing the very same thing you keep apologizing for! He can either start or go back to the way he was acting in the beginning and start acting like he really cares about this relationship or keep on "kickin' it" with his boys and be single. I'm not putting up with all the bullshit, especially so early into the relationship. He thinks I must be a punk because I haven't really made too big of a deal about it yet. I keep mentioning I don't mind if you hang out with your friends, but I at least deserve the courtesy of a phone call. And when your friends are taking up 85% of your time, there is a little problem! But he can't even call me. That shows me that he doesn't think about me or my feelings and that is just shitty! It's just all around a shitty day. It's raining, I'm mad, I don't really feel the greatest and he STILL hasn't tried to call! Bitch!