Weekend Update
Well, first of all, we did NOT make it to the deal or no deal casting!! People started lining up at 5am the day BEFORE!! I was not trying to fight all them people. They said 6000 people showed up! So, there goes my chance at a million dollars! :-)
Friday I went with my son's 1st grade class to the zoo! It was about a million degrees outside, it was HOT! The kids in my group were good, and we had a good time.
Saturday night Chrissy, Gloria, and I went out for Chrissy's birthday. It was pretty fun. We stayed out til 6am! Lack of sleep was the only bad part about the next day! I spent the day at the pool with my son. So it was a nice relaxing day. Monday was pretty boring, just did laundry.
Now I'm back at work after 4 days off, and I'm really not feeling like being back! But then again I never want to be back. I'm taking off Friday so only 2 more days to go! Whewwwww Whooooooo!!!
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