How did this happen?

Ok, so I've been "got"! T was "oh so perfect" when we first started dating. He did everything right. I don't know if this was his plan or what but since we have decided to be "together", things, oh they have changed. First, my BIGGEST pet peeve is when someone says "I'm on my way", or "I'll be over there soon", and then not only doesn't show but also doesn't even call to say plans have changed, I won't be there. I hate waiting for someone in the first place but when I wait for nothing, I get pissed! T has now done this TWO times! The first time I tried to be nice and said "hey, this is the one thing that pisses me off the most, if plans change, just call and let me know instead of just not showing up", he apologized and said it won't happen again......BUT it happened again. Yesterday, I invited him to dinner with my family b/c I cooked at my house. He said he would come, this was Saturday we talked about this, then Sunday comes he calls and says he might BBQ with his family but still would be by my house in a little while. So I wait, we ate dinner at about 3:30, still no T. I didn't really mind since I figured they had decided to BBQ, but then about 7pm I still hadn't heard from him, no phone call or anything so I called they said he wasn't there. Ok. I went to the store and he lives right by my house and I pass his street to go to the store. I see his truck. I call again and they said he wasn't there! Now I'm like ok, what the hell. I wait and call about 9:30, again he isn't there. Then I'm pissed. I have no idea why I got so mad but I was so mad I felt tears in my eyes. I called again about 10:30 and he says "tell her I will call her back". That was it! When I finally did talk to him I was like "are you avoiding my calls" to which he said "no, what are you talking about", then he said he would be by to talk to me. When he got there he made his little excuses about "getting busy BBQing", "loosing track of time", "no one told him I called", you know all the usuals. Then he was a little tipsy, I could tell he had been doing some drinking...he said "well why didn't you just stop by", I was like "well if you would have called and invited me, I would have", I'm not going to just show up! Now here is the kicker....he says "yeah I did ask you not to just pop up without calling", I was like "WHAT?!" He never said anything of the sort to me! I said what do you mean I can't just pop up without calling why not? He says the following: What if I'm sleeping? What if I'm not there? I was like ok, they would say he's sleeping or gone. Then he says "What if I'm kicking it with my friends" or "have company"? Now I don't know what the hell is going on, I just started new birth control and I don't know if it's the hormones fucking with me or what but I lost it. I started yelling, what the fuck do you mean if your friends are there, do I ever tell you you can't come over cuz MY friends are here? And what do you mean if you have "company", I thought we talked about our situation and decided to only see each other which means you shouldn't have "company", I went on to rant about if he was playing games, or if this relationship wasn't what he wanted to let me know, cuz I'm not going to be playing his games, and while in my little tantrum, I started crying, yes, CRYING!!! Can you fucking believe I let him not only piss me off to the point of tears, but I let him SEE me pissed/hurt to the point of tears! That just isn't me. He has this like smirk on his face and starts with "Baby, baby calm down I was just kidding, I do only want you, you can come over whenever you want, I was just messing with you, I'm sorry".......This only further pissed me off. That is not some thing to joke about, especially when I was already mad to begin with! I am starting to remember why I don't mess with younger guys! Actually I'm starting to remember why I don't ever committ to one guy! I have actually changed my "player" ways for this MFer! Usually I would still talk or see other guys, but I sooooo thought he was "the one" and didn't want to mess it up. So when some other guy would call and want to hang out or whatever I would say "no, I have a boyfriend". Those words don't usually come out of my mouth in that context anyway. It would usually be no we can't go there, we might run into my boyfriend or something like that! ;-) And then there is B, he has been calling, he even popped up at my apartment one night. He is the type that thinks money can get him anything he wants, so he has been trying to give me money asking if I need anything and shit like that, KNOWING that I could always use some extra cash I said no, NO to the money! No to the money that was in my face being handed to me, I pushed back and said "I'm cool". That is how into T I was! Yes, that was the right word "was". I'm still going to talk to him, but you better believe I'm not going to be the good little girlfriend anymore. As a matter of fact, B is on his way up to my job to give me money to fill my gas tank! And yep, I'm taking it! I may have slipped up last night and let him see me like a punk, now he is going to think he "has me hooked", but it won't happen again I can tell you that. I even told him last night, he should have acted the way he is acting now from the beginning, then I wouldn't have fell for his ass. I told him he acted like Mr. Perfect at first and now wants to act like an asshole! He just kept saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry"! Yea, whatever! I am still mad!
Not that I follow this advice, but the person who has control over a relationship is the person who is perceived to care the least. Try not to let your emotions show and I bet he'll be kissing your ass.
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