Friday, April 22, 2005

We don't want any.....

They are having a blood drive today in my office building. After hours of trying to decide if I was brave enough to donate, not because I am scared of the pain, but I was afraid I might pass out afterwards. I am prone to nearly fainting. So I got over that feawr and went down to donate. I get there, register, do the screening and get my finger poked, then over to the lawn chair I went. But they couldn't find a vein big enough so they said they wouldn't be able to do it. Darn! Does it still count toward my good deeds list? I tried anyway. But hey I got to keep the t-shirt......

In other news, I am so glad it's Friday!! I have been waiting for this day since about last Sunday night when I realized that I had to get up for work in the morning. I really need I job dread less. I'm sure I will never find one I love, I just need one I can tolorate.

I have to start looking for daycare for Ant again since school when be ending soon. Not sure where to look though, since I don't know where I'm going to be moving. I still haven't decided where to move but it will probably be out of the town I'm in now so I don't know. But they fill up quick so I guess I better get on it.....
That's all for now....


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