Meant to be??
I was thinking the other day about my life. I have mentioned on more than one occasion in this blog that I am not the most graceful person in the world, and out of the way things seem to happen to me more than any other person I know. As I sat and thought about it, I realized this has been going on since I was born! As I remember some of the stories family members have told me over the years I remember at about 6 months old or so, I was in my walker and fell down a flight of stairs! I was ok, bruised pretty good on my head but ok. Then around 2 years old or so, my mom say she was driving with me in a pickup truck. They stopped at a gas station where a friend had opened the passenger side door which I was on (no seatbelt no carseat abviously), and put some ice in the truck. Forgetting to shut the door all the way I guess. She said they were driving to my grandmothers, and she looked over at me after going around a curve and saw me, hanging on to the open door as we drove down the street!!! It has apparently opened as she turned and I was just hanging there like nothing was wrong. As I got older it continued. A close friend of my dad's who we always called "Uncle Bill" because he was like family, bought my sister and I new bikes one summer. I don't remember how old I was but I was in elementary school. The very first day we hop on, take off down the street, I remember I wasn't even down the block, I was barely past our house, and I ran over a stick, it flipped up into the spokes, locking my wheel front wheel and I flipped right over, head over heals! Before I finshed elementary school I would be involved in lots more mishaps, resulting in a skin graft surgery, and a surgery to insert metal pins into my hip becasue it was slipping out of the socket. They are still there to this day by the way. During Jr. High, I managed to sprain my ankle a million times it seemed, get shot in the foot with a BB gun, making my foot swell so big I couldn't wear a shoe on that foot and I'm sure there are plently more I can't think of. Then in high school. Oh high school. During those years I got shot at with a real gun, wrecked a few cars, ripped my pants jumping a fence while playing volleyball, and I'm sure I could go on. My adult years have gotten better but I still got some stories to tell.......maybe another time.
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