Long time no see....er hear....uh read....whatever!
So I haven't posted on here in ages. I guess I was not in a blogging mood, that along with not really having much to say leads to no posts! But I'm back. I was on vacation last week from work. It wasn't really much of a relaxing vacation. It was full of doctor's visits for my son. He has never liked peanut butter, even though he had never tasted it that I know of, he has always hated the smell and if someone tried to give him candy or whatever his first question is always does it have peanut butter in it? So a few months back I had a butterfinger icecream bar. I had always just thought he didn't like peanut butter cuz he never tasted it, cuz come one what kid doesn't like peanut butter. So I tricked him into tasting my ice cream bar which had peanut butter in it. Well it just touched his lip and tongue barely, and he starts screaming and spitting it out. His lip immediately started swelling and burning! Now I felt like an idiot cuz I had tricked him into tasting it and it turns out he had a reaction to it. So that was the end of me trying to get him to eat peanut butter. Then a few weeks ago we had chili for dinner, he has never tasted chili either, and he's 6 years old, so I got him to try and and again as soon as it touched his lip it swelling and he said it was burning. So I decided to mention these incidents to his doctor last week who referred us to Cardnial Glennon Children's hospital for allergy testing. So Wednesday we went in for those. And it was not fun! My son is terrified of needles! And anything else that may cause him any amount of pain, so they use these pronged plastic things they call "catipillers" they are dipped in different oils and then poked into the back, 36 pokes in all!! He screamed the entire time and it took 4 of us to hold him down. Then the poor boy had to lay still on his belly while his back swelled and itched. All I could do was fan his back and rub around the outside....it was horrible! So after 15 minutes they came in to read the results and he is allergic to about everything. He has had asthma and outdoor allergies since he was 1 so we knew he was allergic to a lot of trees, grasses and weeds. He is on medication for those. But he is also allergic to peanuts, peas, tree nuts, cats, dogs, beans, shell fish, soy, and a few other things. Amazingly, all the things he never wanted to eat. So they gave us some information on things to avoid, and what to watch out for along with a ton of prescriptions, including Epi-Pens which are shots to carry with us incase he ever ingested something he is allergic to and has a severe reaction, where he is unable to breathe.....scary shit! But we have gone over what he shouldn't eat and he doesn't like most of it anyway so we should be okay.
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