Well I had a post all typed out and went searching for a picture of what I was talking about and BAM, I lost the damn post. So here we go again....
Another story about my gracefullness. I went to the gas station to pour my life savings into my tank, I was pulling up to the pump and noticed I wasn't going to make it in there without taking out a large concrete pole anyway so I start to back up and THEN I turn to watch as I back up and slam on the brakes as I see this guy walking behind my car. So he stops lets me back up and goes into the store. I was still pumping gas when he came out so we started chatting. He asked if I would like to go out later and I said sure, we exchanged numbers, yada yada yada...At least it is a funny story when people ask "So how did you guys meet?" and I respond with "I almost ran him over at the gas station"....smoooottthhh!..Anyway later we meet up and go here ........

He then says, "hey lets walk thru the water", yes, sounds nice and romantic and all that, but I'm thinking "oh my, I just KNOW I am going to slip and fall on my ass". I politely say no, let just walk up here....but he talked me into walking thru the water with "don't worry I will hold you hand, I won't let you fall".....oh, my hero. So we walk and it was sweet and fun, and I DID NOT fall! Score. So we go back to his SUV and those things are pretty high off the ground so not being experienced in climibing in big cars, I put my foot of the rail, and lean my head in first like climbing a ladder or something, and BAM! Hit my head on the handle they put to help you get in! Yeah, first date, first I am making a great first impression, he was sweet and asked if I was alright and explained the right way to get in, and I said, go ahead, you can laugh and we both started laughing. It was pretty funny. After that we sat on the riverfront watching the river and the boats. We talked for a long time and he is a pretty cool guy. I had a good time. Fortunately, I have not made a fool of myself anymore since, lets keep our fingers crossed......
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