Thursday, August 18, 2005

Embarrassing Moments

I recently read a blog post somewhere talking about Most Embarrassing Moments. I thought it would be cool for us all to tell of our most embarrassing moments. This is rather hard for me. See, my life IS one big embarrassing moment! Stupid stuff happens to me ALL. THE. TIME. So I will think of a few off the top of my head real quick:

* The time I went bowling and dropped the ball behind me......
* One time in PE class a few of the "gymnastic" girls were doing cartwheels off the balance beam and I thought I could too, so I tried and sprain my ankle, got wheeled out of the gym and down the school hallway to the nurses office.....
* I have fallen almost everywhere, it is really starting to not even be embarrassing anymore, but one night late night/early morning after a night of drinking I was walking across the street from one friends house to the other when a cop drove by with his lights off, I turn ans say some stupid smart ass drunk comment about "ha, we see you tryin' to creap down the road", right about the time I tripped into a pothole and fell flat on my a mud puddle! Yeah, not good.
* I have yelled "BINGO" in a crowed bingo hall when actually I was on the last game and in fact, did NOT have bingo.
* I have ripped the seat of my pants jumping a fence to get a volleyball while playing volleyball in the back yard of a friends house.
* I have accidentally pressed the panic alarm button at my job to signal the police not once, but twice, this year.
I know there are LOTS more, that have just slipped my mind right now, if you know me and remember some, feel free to post them, as well as your own, in the comments section. So come on everybody and lets here some good ones!


At Monday, August 22, 2005, Blogger Erin said...

I was walking down the steps at the subway station and started talking to a cute guy. I had ridiculous heels on and tripped and fell all the way down. I had a skirt on which ripped, and was carrying a bag which spewed forth my laptop and tampons. Cute guy helped me up, I was bleeding from both knees and had also ripped the elbow of my blouse. He picked up the laptop and the tampons for me and never said a word about it. I was the color of an eggplant.

At Monday, August 22, 2005, Blogger Crystal said...

Oh my. Sorry to laugh at that but that totally sounds like something that would happen to me. Actually I was at a club one time and I was upstairs when I started talking to this guy he asked if I wanted to go downstairs and dance, so we start walking down the stairs, he was holding my hand and down I went.....falling down the stairs. He helped me up and we hung out the rest of the night, though I never heard from him after that!

At Saturday, August 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i farted and it smells like alley cat vinegar!!!! if you'll be my samuri i'll be your cheesegrator!!!


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