Bloging Blahs.....
I haven't been posting very often for a few reasons. My life is so dull and I don't have too much to talk about. But I do want to talk about a few friends of mine, who make fun of me daily about my "blog". Chrissy and Gloria! Whenever we are out and something happens or they make one of their sick little "oh I think I'm so funny comments", one will say, "Oh you better watch out she's gonna put that in her blog"...ha ha ha. That is why I seldomn give them the satisfaction of being mentioned in my blog. I think they talk about it just so I will publish their names......anywho, they also have a problem with the amount of pictures I take. We went to Grant's Farm with the kids a few weeks ago and I was taking pictures of the animals and such with the kids and they were laughing and making their little smart ass remarks everytime we walked past something new, "like oh, you better get a picture of that, put it on your blog" they think I'm a dork. So what! Everytime I mention something in comversation, they come back with, where did you hear that on the internet?!! It's a little running joke they have.....yeah, they think they are funny. It's not my fault they are technically challanged.
In other news, I decided not to take the job I was offered. It just isn't a good time to take any type of pay cut, and it's not good time for me to switch jobs, so I'm still at my same employer. I am still seeing the date guy, things are going ok. I really enjoy hanging out with him, we laugh alot and have fun so that is good.
So that is about it, nothing new going on in my life......
And that is exactly why I don't share my blog with my friends :)
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