Friday, March 18, 2005

Beginning of the blog.....

So I have become addicted to reading everyone elses blogs and decided, I too need a place to voice all my anger, excitment, confusion, along with the day to day drama that always seems to find its way into my life. It's seems I am always saying "what next?" What else could possibly go wrong in my life. At least I have a good scense of humor, and most of the time I can laugh about my daily mishaps otherwise I would surely be jumping off a bridge somewhere. I'm sure in the days to come all will get to read about some of the things that make me say "What the hell????"

Now a few things about me:

1. I am the biggest clutz!
2. I fall almost daily
3. I am a single mom
4. To a 6 year old boy
5. He is the best thing to ever happen to me
6. He is very spoiled
7. It is only partly my fault
8. My parents spoil him more
9. I live 10 mins from of St. Louis, MO
10. But in Illinois
11. I'm addicted to reading blogs
12.I have very curly hair
13. I recently learned about a hair straightner
14. Now I surprise people when the see me with straight hair
15. I have 1 sister, 23, and 1 brother, 16.
16. I dislike my job very much
17. But I'm too scared to go somewhere new
18. I dream of living in NYC
19. But again I probably will never get the courage to up and move
20. That is all for now......



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